


1. 在超市购物


顾客:Excuse me, how much is this bag of potatoes?

售货员:It\’s $2 per pound.

顾客:Okay, I\’ll take two pounds. Can you please help me check the expiration date of this pack of milk?

售货员:Sure. The expiration date is next week.

顾客:Thank you. That\’s all I need for now.

2. 在餐厅用餐


顾客:Excuse me, could you recommend some dishes for us?

服务员:Sure. Our specialty is the grilled fish, and the fried rice is also very popular. Would you like to try them?

顾客:Sounds great. We\’ll have the grilled fish and a plate of fried rice, please. And can we also have two glasses of water?

服务员:Of course. Your order will be ready soon. Enjoy your meal.

3. 在机场接待客人


客人:Hi, I\’m here for the business conference. Can you help
me to arrange transportation to the hotel?

接待人员:Certainly, sir. We have a shuttle service that runs between here and the hotel every half an hour. It\’s just outside the exit.

客人:That\’s great. How much does it cost?

接待人员:It\’s free for guests who have booked a room at the hotel. May I know the name of your hotel and room number?

客人:Sure, it\’s Grand Hotel, and my room number is 0515.

接待人员:Okay, I\’ve got it. You can take the shuttle right away. Have a pleasant stay, sir.

4. 在公交车站乘车


乘客:Excuse me, does this bus go to the downtown area?

司机:Yes, it does. But it will make several stops on the way.

乘客:Okay, how much is the fare?

司机:It\’s $2 for adults and $1 for children under 12 years old.

乘客:All right, I\’ll take one adult ticket and one child ticket, please.

司机:Here you are. Please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts.

5. 在邮局邮寄包裹


顾客:Excuse me, I want to mail this package to New York. How much does it cost?

邮局工作人员:It depends on the weight and the mailing method you choose. Do you want to send it by air mail or surface mail?

顾客:I want to use air mail. And how much would it be for a 2-pound package?

邮局工作人员:It will be $20 for air mail. Is that okay for you?

顾客:Yes, that\’s fine. Can you please help me fill out the mailing form?

邮局工作人员:Sure. Just give me the necessary information, such as the recipient\’s name and address, your name and address, and so on.

顾客:Here you are. Thank you.


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